Reticle Management Control System
Our Windows based PC reticle management system is available with keyboard or touch screen. The system provides the user with information as to the where-abouts of every reticle in the database. It manages reticle Check-Outs and Check-Ins and provide a valuable database with reticle history tracking and report generation.
Very simple and intuitive menu provides access to all the software functions within your password authorization.
A Graphic User Interface features a Site Plan screenshot to help users understand the addressing scheme and to help locate reticle
boxes quickly and without mistakes. An LED indicator light illuminates the column of interest making it easy to find the reticle.
Reticle Management System works, not only with our racks and shelves, but with any library system. The only requirement is that a
barcode label system be deployed for address locations and reticle boxes. We can integrate to your existing system or help you establish
a new bar code protocol.
In INFO mode, it's easy to located a reticle using its Pattern ID or Box ID.
At the press of a button, users can download a detailed
summary of every checkout, time, date, reason code, and person involved. Know instantly, the reticles that are highly utilized versus
those that are inactive.
Use AUDIT mode to quickly scan every box sequentially and compare it to the actual database. This mode allows you to identify any database discrepancy and to overwrite the corrupt data with correct information.
Finding Address J3-3-16
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